
Modern Slavery


Ausgrid Group is committed to human and labour rights and the global eradication of modern slavery in all its forms.

The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires large entities such as Ausgrid to report publicly on their actions to assess and address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chain. We report each year on our actions to assess and address modern slavery with our Modern Slavery Statement.

Modern slavery describes situations where victims are being deprived of their freedom through threats, coercion, or deception.

In building and maintaining our network we have a significant procurement footprint. Our relationship with our external partners who supply us with goods and services from overseas and locally is important in assessing and addressing modern slavery risks.

Our External Partner Code of Conduct, and Sustainable Procurement Policy combined with regular engagement forums with our suppliers, provides us with the governance tools and engagement to support our management of modern slavery risks. Please read our Modern Slavery Statement for more information on how we are managing our modern slavery risks.

Modern Slavery Statement

Please read our Modern Slavery Statement for more information on how we are managing our modern slavery risks.

Human Rights

In November 2023 Ausgrid published its Human Rights Policy. This policy outlines our commitment to respecting and supporting human rights across our operations and supply chain; and our expectations about how we conduct ourselves and make decisions to support this commitment.

This policy together with our Modern Slavery Statement, Forced Labour and Debt Bondage Position Statement, Cobalt Mining and Modern Slavery Position StatementEmployee and External Partner Codes of Conduct and our Whistleblower Policy ensure all human rights are upheld throughout our operations and supply chain.

Our approach to managing human rights risks is constantly evolving as we learn from our experiences. We intend to leverage these lessons and continually refine and improve our approach to human rights.