Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to restore power to the remaining customers impacted by Wednesday's storm. Restore times will be added to the website where information is available. Read the latest update.
Embedded network tariffs

What are embedded networks?

Embedded networks are privately owned electricity networks that deliver electricity from our distribution network to the individual households and businesses within a property development – such as an apartment building, retirement village, shopping centre, or industrial park.

A embedded network operator connects to our network via a single point, then purchase and on-sell electricity to the customers in their network. You can find out more about connecting an embedded networks in our Connections Section.

Embedded Network Tariff Changes

The Australian Energy Regulator approver the transition of our Embedded Network customers to more cost reflective tariffs over the next seven years. From 1 July 2024, Ausgrid will introduce three tariffs for large-sized embedded networks to make our prices fairer for all customers.It is important to note that the additional revenue we receive from embedded networks is offset by lower charges for other customers – Ausgrid does not receive additional revenue from these new tariffs.

Which tariffs are impacted by this change?

All embedded network connections connected to the low voltage network (with annual consumption >160 MWh) or connected to the high voltage network are assigned to EN tariffs.

This consumption threshold has been chosen so there is no impact on smaller embedded network customers. This means these changes will not affect most caravan parks and small retirement villages.

The new tariffs are specifically designed for embedded networks that:

  • Connect to our low voltage network and consume between 160 to 750 megawatt hours of electricity annually (network tariff code EA314)
  • Connect to our low voltage network and consume more than 750 megawatt hours of electricity annually (EA315)
  • Connect to our high voltage network (EA365)

The new tariffs look very similar to the business tariffs the embedded networks operators are currently on with one important difference. While they will have the same fixed daily charge and energy consumption charges, the embedded networks tariffs will have a higher capacity charge.

This charge will apply to the embedded networks highest half-hour period of electricity use, during our afternoon to evening peak period, over the previous 12 months. The higher capacity charge means the prices will reflect our costs in supplying electricity to end customers located in embedded networks.

For more information visit Ausgrid's Network Prices.

The new tariffs maintain the flexibility for embedded networks to respond to those price signals and save money by helping their customers to reduce their energy consumption or shift some of their energy use to the off-peak period.

For pricing information on embedded network tariffs see Network Price Lists. For more information on embedded network tariffs email