Electric vehicles
Electric vehicle charging at kerbside

Electric vehicles play an important role in keeping us moving and reducing emissions. Learn more about the benefits of electric vehicles and how we are preparing our electricity network.

Watch how we're driving electrification

Electric vehicle charging is one of the many ways we're supporting electrification. Ausgrid's Head of Electric Vehicle Charging & Infrastructure, Nick Black, spoke with Drive TV, sharing his insights about our commitment to EV technology and how we’re working towards a more sustainable future.

Ausgrid needs to facilitate this shift towards EV adoption and a net-zero future but do it in a way that is fully supported by the electricity grid. Ultimately, we want to ensure that any individual or company wanting to go electric, no matter how complex their needs, is able to do so.
Marc England, Ausgrid CEO

Electric vehicles: separating fact from fiction

Is an electric vehicle the right choice for you? Watch our video to learn more about electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging.

NSW's future needs
The NSW Government estimates that approximately 38,000 public EV charging ports will be required in NSW by 2030.
Expanding our sustainable fleet
Ausgrid's electric vehicle fleet expansion has surpassed 100 electric vehicles, our latest step to achieving 900 Ausgrid vans, cars, and trucks by 2029.
EV Charging
Electric vehicles have advanced significantly, with most modern EVs averaging a range of 400 km, which comfortably exceeds the average daily commute distance of 33km in Sydney.
Ausgrid's EV future
We aim to install 11,000 public kerbside EV chargers on Ausgrid assets by 2030 to support approximately 800,000 customers in our network area who have limited opportunities to install their own EV charging systems.