
Engaging on Ausgrid's future


23 September 2022

For the past 12 months Ausgrid has engaged with thousands of residential, small and large business customers to develop its Draft Plan that would commence in FY2025.

Our customers have told us it is important that we invest in strengthening our network’s resilience against the increasing number of extreme weather events, cyber threats and support the transition to net zero.

With that in mind, we developed a plan which includes increasing investment into weather and cyber resilience and integrating more renewable energy sources into the grid.

Since 2014, Ausgrid has worked hard to become a more efficient business for customers and has reduced its portion of electricity bills. As part of the consultation of our Draft Plan, we are seeking feedback on the network charges that form our portion of an electricity bill, which would still be $84 less in 2029 than they were in 2014 for the average household

We are focussed on giving our customers a say and ensuring we get the balance right between affordability and investing adequately for the future. Now is the time for our customers to review the plan and share their feedback.

The plan is open for community feedback until Tuesday 4 October 2022 before an updated plan is submitted to the Australian Energy Regulator in January 2023.

Visit our Regulatory Reset section to find out more about Ausgrid's draft plan and reports from our customer engagement activities.  Visit Ausgrid's Your Say Website to provide feedback on the Draft Plan.