Supporting Our Local Community
Empowered Walk Jenny' s Place - Ausgrid team
Supporting the community and putting our customers first is central to who we are and how we operate. We provide in-kind initiatives, donation of equipment and community grants to support local programs in our network area.

Community Giving Program

Launched in 2023, the Ausgrid Community Giving Program supports our people to give back to the causes they care about.

Through the program, our people can nominate charities, volunteering groups, local sporting teams and organisations in our network area to receive a community grant.

The inaugural year of the Community Giving Program resulted in $125,000 donated to 35 community and volunteer organisations across the Hunter, Central Coast and Sydney to enable them to better serve their communities.

Our grants facilitated improved lighting in schools, access to lifesaving, safety or sporting equipment, completion of first aid courses, coaching and mentoring initiatives, supported participation of females in sport, youth learning of first nations cultural heritage while on country, delivery of safety programs to high schools and services for women and children experiencing domestic violence or homelessness.

Future grant rounds will be published on this page and announced on our social media channels.

Our 2023 grants supported 5 charities, 5 Surf Lifesaving Clubs or Board Rider Associations, 2 RFS brigades, 16 not for profit community sporting groups, plus many other local community initiatives.

Keeping the next generation safe around electricity

Our annual Electricity Safety Week Primary Schools program is designed to spark meaningful conversations with kids across our network on how to stay safe around electricity. Developed by Ausgrid in 2002, we provide free educational materials on electricity and its potential dangers. Our resources have been shared with other distribution networks, and supports the promotion of safety around electricity to primary schools across New South Wales and Queensland. Each year over 90 per cent of primary schools opt in to the program, and our people visit schools to deliver interactive, fun presentations to students.

To learn more about our Electricity Safety Week Primary Schools program visit

Supporting energy literacy in culturally and linguistically diverse communities

Ausgrid is a founding partner of the Voices for Power ‘Train the Trainer’ program. Born out of an Energy Charter Better Together Initiative, the program helps improve energy literacy amongst culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities across greater Sydney.

The program empowers community leaders to support others to take control of their concerns, adopt simple safety practices, and understand the industry. Delivering tangible benefits, 89 per cent of participants reported an increased understanding of their energy bill, and a social impact assessment showed that $1.3 million of social value was delivered.

The Voices for Power ‘Train the Trainer’ program is delivered by Sydney Alliance in partnership with Jemena, Endeavour Energy and Energy Australia.
To learn more visit

Voices for power - Train the Trainer Session 2023

Ausgrid Voices for Power Train the Trainer Program

Ausgrid is proud to support the Voices for Power Train the Trainer program aiming to increase energy literacy across Australia's culturally and linguistically diverse communities. In partnership with Jemena and Endeavour Energy, we are working with Sydney Alliance to help customers across NSW have equal access and understanding of the energy industry.

Watch Video


Championing customers voices in our decision-making

Ausgrid works together with customer advocates through our Customer Consultative Committee (CCC). It has been a key driver of changes to our approach that will ensure we deliver better outcomes for customers. At the heart of the changes is a desire to involve customers in implementing our business strategy and driving the future direction of our network.

To learn more visit



Ausgrid 2023 Community Giving Grant Recipients

Atuka Netball Club | Avoca Football Club | Biddabah Public School | Bolwarra Lorn Junior SC | Caves Beach Netball Club | Central Coast Rebels | Cessnock Minor Rugby League | Charlestown Azzurri FC | Dudley Board Riders | Engadine Musical Society | Epping Rams Rugby & Netball Association | Forresters Beach Boardriders | Greta Branxton FC | Headstart ABI | Hornsby Eagles | Hunter Valley Communications Brigade | Jenny’s Place | Kincumber Avoca Cricket Club |  Lilli Pilli Football Club | Maitland Junior Football | Marine Rescue Port Jackson | Maryland Fletcher FC | Mount Kuringai Rural Fire Brigade | Newcastle Orienteering | North Cronulla Surf Lifesaving Club | NSW Scouts (Epping branch) | Orchestra Nova | Soul Café | St George Junior Baseball Club | Stockton Surf Lifesaving | Survivors R Us | Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Rescue | Sydney United Sports Club (Cricket) | Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Land Council.