Installation inspections
Ausgrid inspect electrical installation work in accordance with our Customer Installation Safety Plan and ES1 Premises Connection Requirements. It is essential the installation work complies with AS/NZS3000 Wiring Rules and any other relevant standard and is tested as required and certified as being safe.
An Ausgrid Compliance Officer will inspect the connection works and will report on non-technical and safety non-conformances. Where necessary a defect may be issued.
Where electrical installation defects are found within a customer’s electrical installation by Ausgrid, the customer and the electrical contractor will each be given a copy of the inspection ‘Defect’ report. ASPs will be given a copy of a similar report covering any defects found in contestable service work. Find out more in Safety Installation Defects.
We will inspect electrical installation work in accordance with our Customer Installation Safety Plan (CISP) and ES1 Premises Connection Requirements. It is essential the installation work complies with AS/NZS3000 Wiring Rules and any other relevant standard and is tested as required and certified as being safe.
Appointment checklist and switchboard compliance documents
Prior to an Installation Inspector attending a site to undertake a physical inspection, we require an Appointment Checklist to be completed by the customer or their representative. Once completed, this form can be saved and uploaded into the Ausgrid Customer Portal and will form one of the required documents associated with the inspection.
For all Main Switchboards rated greater than 100A, a copy of the Ausgrid Switchboard Compliance Statement is required. This form is to be completed and returned for review in addition to Main Switchboard Plans and documentation specified in the Ausgrid Portal.
Our connection process
Our flowchart provides an overview of the connection process (under 100 Amps)
Electricity Metering Locking System
Ausgrid has a restricted Electricity Metering (EM) Locking System for installations in its network area.
Further advice
For technical advice please email: