Find about Ausgrid's restricted Electricity Metering (EM) locking system.
Ausgrid has a restricted Electricity Metering (EM) locking system for installations in its network area. These locks permit access by the customer and authorised Ausgrid staff.
All new sites requiring Ausgrid master keyed locks require the installation of the EM Utilities locking system. The EM locking system must be installed when replacing existing damaged or faulty locks.
With a full range of locking options, the EM locking system can be used for many purposes such as securing meter boxes, entry gates, building entries, meter rooms and enclosures. The EM locking system is a cost-effective way of providing access without the cost of moving electricity meters. The full range of EM locking options, including master keying and multi-utility access, is available from Integrity Locksmiths & Security.
For all residential, commercial and trade inquiries call the EM Call Centre at Integrity Locksmiths on 1300 664 582 or visit their web site.