Our Connections Principles
How we manage network connections.
Ausgrid crew working on overhead network

In NSW, work to establish a new, or to alter an existing connection to the distribution system is performed by Accredited Service Providers (ASPs). This work is governed by the National Electricity Rules (NER) and the Electricity Supply Act 1995 (NSW), under the ASP Scheme and Contestable Works framework.

To meet the legislative requirements and maintain transparency and fairness, Ausgrid requires that any project that requires a connection to the network follows the contestable connections process. This includes Ausgrid Strategic Group Projects such as grid batteries, community batteries and Plus ES EV chargers.

To ensure all connections are treated in an equitable manner, and that a consistent process is applied for all, Ausgrid subscribes to the following principles:

  1. Connections capacity is managed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  2. Approvals are based on the least-cost option that meets technical standards and uses existing capacity before requesting customer augmentation.
  3. All connections must comply with safety and network standards.

The Customer Connections team manages all connection projects in alignment with these principles, including any connections requested by other entities within the Ausgrid group. Any queries relating to connections principles and how they are applied can be directed to customerconnections@ausgrid.com.au.