Hot water fault support
What is controlled load hot water?
Controlled load hot water refers to refers a separately metered hot water system which is subject to a reduced (off peak) tariff. It is controlled by a relay, a device which turns your hot water heater on or off depending on the time – in this case, the relay turns on the hot water heater during off peak times to reduce the demand on the network during peak times. You can find out more about controlled load tariff here.
What is a bridged relay?
When required, Ausgrid crews can bypass or ‘bridge’ your controlled load relay to start reheating your water straight away. Your meter will still record your usage at the off peak rate, regardless of the time of day that the tank heats.
When your relay is overridden your hot water system will only heat the tank to the temperature set by your thermostat and this will require the same number of hours your hot water system usually requires. Your hot water system will not heat for 24hrs continuously.
What if my hot water issue is not with my metering equipment?
If your hot water issue is not related to your metering equipment, you will need to engage an Electrical Contractor or Hot Water Specialist. Our crews will inform you if this is necessary.