Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to restore power to the remaining customers impacted by Wednesday's storm. Restore times will be added to the website where information is available. Read the latest update.
Tree trimming
Ausgrid trims trees and vegetation around the electricity network to keep the community safe, while allowing us to continue providing a reliable electricity supply to our customers.
Tree trimming from crane

We value trees and the benefits they provide to the community, such as shade and habitat. Therefore, we work to balance the visual amenity and function of local trees with maintaining a safe and reliable electricity supply.

Why do we need to trim trees near powerlines?

Major storms, heavy rainfall or windy weather can cause branches or entire trees to fall or blow into the electricity wires and cause damage to the network and electrical safety hazards. Regularly trimming trees that are too close to powerlines helps us to protect the network and helps avoid loss of supply to our communities during these events. 

As part of our vegetation management program, Ausgrid engages specialist contractors to routinely clear vegetation on public land that is growing in close proximity to the network. Our crews also check dead or dying trees and limbs that may have the potential to impact electricity supply.

Before new trees are planted near powerlines, Ausgrid's Suitable Planting Species Fact Sheet and Unsuitable Planting Species Fact Sheet should be consulted.

About our Vegetation Management Program

Watch this short video to better understand how and why Ausgrid trims vegetation around the electricity network, keeping the public safe and the power on.