Your energy use

Energy saving advice

Saving energy

Small changes to your daily routines can reduce your energy consumption and help you save on your energy bills. Read our tips below for more information.

You can also read Energy Consumer Australia's Plug In guide on how energy monitoring systems can help you reduce your energy usage. We've also collated a selection of financial, health and wellbeing resources to assist you in times of financial uncertainty.

Where does your energy go?

This chart shows how we use electricity around the home. While heating and cooling makes up 21%, hot water is responsible for 39% of your total consumption.*


pie chart showing energy use in the average home 

Tips to save energy

Heater icon

Winter is the time to rug up. It's one of the easiest and cheapest ways to keep warm so pull out a warm blanket and wear lots of layers.

  • a comfortable room temperature in winter is between 18 and 21 degrees. If you’re using air conditioning, each extra degree higher can add 10 per cent to running costs. Don't over heat or over cool rooms – save over $90 and 320kg of CO2 a year.
  • the best way to save money on home heating is to keep the cool air out. Draughts can increase heating costs by up to 25%. Consider door snakes, draught stoppers, foam window sealing tape, blinds and curtains to reduce heat loss. Close doors, cover windows and minimise draughts – save up to $90 and 300kg of CO2 a year.
  • use the sun to naturally heat your home by opening blinds and curtains on north facing windows. 

hot water shower
Hot water

Electric hot water accounts for over a third of the average household’s energy use.

  • install a 3 star rating shower head – save up to $140 a year and 490kg of CO2 a year on energy and water bills.
  • shave a couple of minutes off showering each day – save up to 13,140 litres of water and $31 per person a year.
  • use cold water for tasks where hot water is not absolutely necessary.
  • fix dripping taps - a tap dripping 45 times per minute wastes around 1,000 litres of hot water each month, the equivalent of ten bathtubs.
  • choose a hot water system with the lowest running costs. Switch to gas, solar or heat pump to save on your energy bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 75%.
  • a half-filled dishwasher uses the same amount of energy as a full one, wait until you have a full load – save up to $40 and 130kg of CO2 a year.
  • use economy or energy saving settings on your dishwasher for maximum efficiency. 

Lighting icon
Lighting and standby power

The average household spends up to 6% of their annual energy bills on lighting and has between 20 and 30 appliances that consume standby power, when not being used.

  • switch off lights and save up to $60 and 220kg of CO2 a year. Research shows 26% of people leave lights on all evening in unoccupied rooms.
  • turn off appliances like your TV and computer at the wall rather than leaving them in standby mode and save up to $60 and 220kg of CO2 a year.  
  • Replace existing lightbulbs with energy efficient lightbulbs (CFLs)m and save up to $90 and 300kg of CO2 a year.

Fridge icon

  • if you use a second fridge for drinks and extra food over the summer period, you can save money by emptying it and switching it off until next summer. A single refrigerator can account for 7% of your electricity bill.
  • if shopping for a new fridge, buy a high star rated model and save up to $100 a year. Visit the energy ratings website to read more about appliance energy rating labels and check estimated running costs.

Washing machine icon
Washing and drying clothes

  • wash clothes in cold water – save around $60 and 210kg of CO2 a year.
  • use a clothesline or indoor drying rack instead of a dryer – save up to $80 and 280kg of CO2 a year
  • clean the dryer lint filter regularly to maintain full air flow and maximise drying efficiency.
  • never put dripping wet clothes in your dryer - use the spin cycle to dry them first in the washing machine.
  • buy a high star rated dryer and make sure it has a sensor to minimise drying times.
  • if you have time-based pricing, use your clothes washer and dryer during off peak times to save money (i.e. after 10pm and before 7am).
  • front-load washing machines use less water than top-loaders, so if you must wash in warm or hot water, a front-loader is a more energy efficient option. 

fan that can be used in the hot heater
Keeping Cool

Keeping cool doesn't need to break the bank. Stay cool and save with our cooling tips.

  • set the right temperature - the optimum range in summer is between 23 to 26 degrees. Each extra degree of cooling below that can add up to 10% to your running costs.
  • use natural breezes to stay cool by opening doors and windows on opposite sides of your home to take advantage of cross ventilation.
  • use adjustable louvres and horizontal awnings over windows to keep the heat off your home. Spinning roof vents help reduce the temperature in the roof cavity use fans where you can. A ceiling fan costs about 2 cents an hour to run or about $6 over a summer. Air conditioning the same space can cost between 30 to 40 cents an hour and add $100-150 to your electricity bill.
  • Don’t run your pool pump for too long – only using the pool pump when required can help save you up to $40 and 130kg of CO2 a year.

* Average household energy usage is based on a typical 3-person household in Sydney with all electric appliances, a 500 litre fridge, reverse cycle air conditioning, clothes dryer, dishwasher and halogen lamps. Hot water usage is based on a 7 minute daily shower per person and a standard showerhead on an off peak tariff. Actual energy consumption will vary depending on appliance usage, model and type.